Trusted New Orleans Creditors’ Rights Lawyers: The legal rights that enable creditors to collect money due to them by companies or individuals are known as creditors’ rights. These rights include the ability to take legal action, such as garnishing wages or putting liens on property.  In general, the legal tools and processes that creditors can use to make sure they get the money they are due are included in their rights.  These rights are intended to safeguard the interests of creditors and make debt recovery easier. Bowes, Petkovich & Palmer, LLC is a leader in creditors’ rights in Louisiana.  Our New Orleans

Trusted New Orleans Collection Lawyers: Bowes, Petkovich & Palmer, LLC is a leader in legal collections in the state of Louisiana.  Our New Orleans collection lawyers handle many different types of collection accounts for many national, regional, and local creditors.  Our creditors’ rights team has developed an expertise in asset location, skip tracing, litigation, and post-judgment collections. Types of Accounts that Our Collection Lawyers Handle: Consumer Collections: Our New Orleans collection lawyers routinely collect and file suit for delinquent credit cards, personal loans, auto loans, boat loans, RV loans, payday loans, lines of credit, and over-drafted bank accounts.  We represent