Family Law Mediation Process: In a divorce or other relating family law matter, your options are as follows: Hire an attorney to litigate; Hire a team of certified collaborative practice professionals; or Mediate. Regrettably, it is difficult and often expensive to resolve any family law dispute (divorce, custody, child support, partition of community property) in court, or even using the collaborative law process. In an adversarial traditional litigation case, the lawyers jockey for control and the courts often don’t want to spend the necessary time to discover the specifics of what the parties actually need to resolve their dispute. As

The Collaborative Approach to Resolving Family Law Issues: Collaborative law is an innovative way to resolve conflict by removing the disputed matter from the litigious courtroom setting to a “troubleshoot and problem solve“ process with the use of collaborative professionals, rather than to fight and win.  As part of the collaborative process, both parties retain separate attorneys to help them settle their dispute. No one may go to court. If that should occur, the collaborative law process terminates and both lawyers are disqualified from any further involvement in the case.  Each party in the collaborative law process signs a contractual agreement, which

Fighting Fair: Take a moment to recall a recent conflict between you and your partner.  Perhaps it was just a small misunderstanding, or maybe something major.  What were the circumstances of the problem?  Replay the event in your mind.  How was the issue resolved?  Have the two of you reconciled?  How did you feel once the two of you had reconciled? Someone once said that if you want to avoid marital conflict you will have to forego all intimacy.  Not for us, thanks!  Conflict is a part of every close relationship.  The more intimate we are, the more vulnerable to